Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation is currently reviewing its position in relation to the RBA’s decision on 6 September to increase the Official Cash Rate. We'll make an announcement here as soon as we finalise our decision.
Heritage Finance Holdings Online Help Centre
When logged into Heritage Finance Holdings Online on your desktop or mobile browser, go to Transactions and select the account your Visa Debit or Credit Card is linked too.
If you have any current Visa Authorisations they will be shown above the transactions for the account in question. These will be listed separately until the merchant requests the funds from Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation. What is a Visa Authorisation?
You'll be able to see the following transaction details:
A complete range of how to's and step-by-step guides to help you with your internet banking at Heritage Finance Holdings.
Our Contact Centre is here to help you with internet banking, account troubleshooting, card management and lots more.
Call our internet banking support line on 1300 722 767 or tap here for live assistance.