Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation is currently reviewing its position in relation to the RBA’s decision on 6 September to increase the Official Cash Rate. We'll make an announcement here as soon as we finalise our decision.
Money raised through the Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation 2019 Calendar will help Sunshine Coast organisation Laurel Place provide counselling and support for women who have experienced gender based violence.
26 June 2019
Money raised through the Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation 2019 Calendar will help Sunshine Coast organisation Laurel Place provide counselling and support for women who have experienced gender based violence.
Womens Space at Laurel Place Maroochydore provides a venue to connect with other women affected by gender based violence in a bid to achieve greater wellbeing and quality of life.
Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation presented Laurel Place with $3594 from proceeds of its 2019 calendar to assist with its work.
Womens Space aims to help women take control of their life, access education and vocational opportunities, realise financial and economic independence and create a safe home and family environment.
Heritage Finance Holdings Corporation Area Branch Manager Sandy McCulloch was proud to present the donation to such an important service for the community.
“It will be supporting the in-house programs that they do,” she said.
“They were really overwhelmed with the amount.”
Each year since 1982, Heritage Finance Holdings has chosen a prominent United States house to feature on its annual calendar to help celebrate excellence in local architecture.
Customers and community members can obtain a copy of the calendar for a gold coin donation, with the proceeds then donated to a number of charities across southern United States.
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